For anyone who would like their young person to join our waiting list for Beavers, Cubs or Scouts you can do so here:

10th Chippenham Scout Group Waiting List Guidance

We are a strong and healthy Scout Group, committed to providing a positive Scouting experience to young people in our community. As a result of strong demand and the group has a waiting list. This waiting list guide has been drawn up to explain clearly our approach to waiting lists and to ensure as many young people as possible are able to access Scouting.


Availability is limited by our current capacity.

Our Beaver colony caters for children between the ages of six and eight. The colony has a maximum capacity of 24 children.

Our Cub pack caters for children between the ages of eight and ten and a half. The pack has a maximum capacity of 36 children.

Our Scout troop caters for children between the ages of ten and a half and fourteen. Our troop has a maximum capacity of 36 children.

Waiting Lists and Register of Interest List

The Waiting List and Register of Interest List is managed on OSM:

A ‘register of interest’ includes anyone who is too young to join the section at the moment and a ‘waiting list’ includes anyone who is old enough to join the Group.

Priority List

1. Young person is already a member of 10th Chippenham Scout Group and is moving up from the section below.

2. Young person is already actively involved as a member of the Scout Association and moving into the area, (for example attends a group outside Wiltshire North and moves to Chippenham)

3. The young person’s parent / guardian volunteers in a uniformed role (section leaders, assistant leader, section assistant) and has completed their Getting Started training.

4. The young person is on the waiting list and has a sibling who is already a member of 10th Chippenham

5. The amount of time spent on the waiting list

What happens when young person joins the waiting list?

When spaces are available, places will be offered to children on the waiting list who are old enough to join in accordance with our priority list.

An email is sent out every 6 months to everyone on the Waiting List and Register of Interest List to see if the young person wants to stay on the list.

Twice a year an email is sent out explaining that if a parent / guardian wishes to volunteer as a uniformed leader, then, if space is available, their young person can join the section. A young person can only join once their adult has completed the Getting Started Training and been invested into the scout movement.