Last night we held our session at the Lego Club, Chippenham Library. The challenge was to build a landmark in Chippenham – but in the future – a chance to imagine what Chippenham might look like on day.

This was a tough challenge for the teams as they only had just over an hour to do complete their models. Energy and imagine was everywhere as the scouts (and leaders) hunted for the right pieces and came up with new ideas when they found an unusual piece of lego.

A very big thank you to the Lego Club@ Chippenham Library for opening up and letting us play.

Can you spot the war memorial? Looks like there is no tarmac nearby and there are horses using the water trough. no sign of cars.

In this future, transportation has moved on. On the right are the remains of the railway arches – replaced by a space port.

Another view of the war memorial. This time you can see the river level has risen and there is a bridge to the memorial. Not sure how much of Chippenham will be left in this future.

Here is a new idea for John Coles Park. The bandstand is still there and is the place to dance whilst you watch kart races.