So over the Easter half term Air Scouts have been busy. The weather was on our side when we when on a hike round Castle Coombe. This was a chance to practise some of the navigation skills we had been working on. For some this was the first time ‘in the wild’, they had tried to line a map to north, work out how far they had come along a path and decide which path to take next. We didn’t get lost, but we did find some mud and paths that were masquerading as streams. As we had been looking at satellites as part of the previous term’s activities, we did go and look for a Geo-cache that was on the route we were taking. 

Our next activity was a trip to the Fleet Air Arm Museum and a chance to work on Air Researcher badge. For some the chance to see one of the pre-commercial Concordes used for testing as well as to go inside. For those of us used to big jumbo jets, it is surprising how small it is inside. Others enjoyed the Carrier experience, where the had a chance to walk through part of an aircraft carrier which had been made up using parts to the Ark Royal. Given the rain, we did not expect to see anything fly, but some of the group did see Merlin helicopters taking off.